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Yellow Star

unschooling explained


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Yellow Star

Unschooling is child led

Unschooling is more of a framework on childhood rather than on education. It is a way of understanding childhood differently.

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Will it work for your family?

This method of learning requires a lot of freedom as well as free time. Parents give freedom to their children to what and when they want to learn.

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Will your child learn?

Proponents of this method believe that when learning is more personal and self-chosen, it will be more meaningful and useful.

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Will my child be prepared for college?

Unschooling takes a different approach to preparation for college. Many unschoolers go to community college before a University. But anything is possible!

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What will school look like?

Unschooling involves a lot of free, unstructured time. Nature studies are very important and access to learning materials is needed.

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Homeschool Products  we love

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Is it legal?

Depending on where you live, you will still need to abide by the state requirements for homeschoolers. Be sure to find an evaluator that is familiar with unschooling methods.

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Savor the time! The time with your child goes by fast. From birth to graduation, you have 940 weeks with your child.  Enjoy every moment!

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