Learning at Disney
We are a family of 7, with 5 children ranging in age from 3 to 12. We are a part-time homeschooling family, and try to incorporate learning into our everyday lives. We try to look out for the details, the little things in life, and the beauty in nooks and crannies. The Disney instagram community is a rich resource for this goal. There are Disney accounts for trash cans, lamp posts, plants and flower, and let us not forget, walls! I’m looking at you @purplewallphotos and @magicaltrash! At Disney, we learn to observe the smallest details, and to appreciate the immersive experience that is created.

We also learn a great deal of life lessons. Just ask any parent of a toddler how much patience is needed to wait in line. We are also able to review clock skills, when we are discussing what time our next FastPass is and how much time we have left to do this or that. We also have ample opportunity to practice being selfless and thinking of others. With 5 kids in such an age range, little Princesses want to meet Ariel, bigger boys could care less. Big boys want to ride Space Mountain, but little ones aren’t tall enough. It is a constant give and take, that my children have to learn at a very young age. We try to think of others more than ourselves, and Disney World is as good a place as any to practice.

Big families at Disney World
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