Mom Life

American Girl of the Year Luciana Vega: Reach for the Stars!

Girls and science. Girls and math. What do we think of when these terms come to mind? Sadly, many girls are not encouraged to pursue these areas, and are also not shown ways in which these subjects are interesting to them. With American Girl’s Luciana Vega, girls can dream of being astronauts and scientists in a fun and imaginative way.  

My daughter had the absolute joy of receiving Luciana Vega for her 7th birthday. In our home, my three girls are huge fans of American Girl dolls, accessories, stores, cafes, and pretty much everything they have to offer. We had an amazing visit to the American Girl Orlando Cafe that we shared a few months ago. We love to incorporate this positive and affirming brand into our girls’ lives as much as possible.

Amelia was ecstatic when she opened the doll! I could tell that she was hoping to receive a new doll for her collection, and when she opened another box that she thought contained the new member of her doll family that was a different toy, she seemed a little disappointed. But soon, her birthday dreams would come true.

When she opened the American Girl box, her face was every parent’s dream for their child’s birthday. Amelia was so happy! She couldn’t wait to break Luciana free from her box, open her accessories, and introduce her to the other dolls in her room. Birthday success! Be sure to head over to YouTube to watch the full video of her opening and unboxing her gift. 

As Luciana’s description states, “With creativity, confidence, and a serious science streak, I can launch my dream of landing on Mars. But my teamwork skills still need work. I’ll have to learn how to reach others if I want to reach the stars.” Amelia is reading Luciana’s book during our summer vacation, and learning lessons with Luciana about teamwork and perseverance. This is one area my sweet girl could improve in; teamwork and letting go of controlling situations. Hopefully, she will learn some great new skills along with Luciana. 

Although Amelia says that science isn’t her favorite subject, she loves that Luciana is an astronaut, and said, “Maybe I could go to space too.” You certainly could precious girl! When Amelia dresses Luciana up in her space suit, and pretends she is taking off to Mars, she has a tangible reminder of how possible it is for girls to reach for the stars. What a gift for my daughter, and for me.

*I was gifted Luciana Vega in exchange for my fair and unbiased review. Thank you American Girl!

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