hybrid homeschooling

Hybrid Homeschooling: Everything You Need to Know

Today is my 10 year anniversary of homeschooling! It’s hard to believe! But I wouldn’t change a thing. For the past ten years, I’ve also been part of a very specific type of homeschooling known as hybrid homeschooling. This is also known as part-time homeschooling, or a university model of education. It’s always been difficult to explain in just a few words. So I thought I would finally write a full post in order to answer all of your questions!

BRAND NEW for Homeschooling Moms (and those considering homeschooling):

Homeschooling Simplified program waitlist now open! I’ve created a brand new course for homeschooling Moms, which includes printable schedules, supply lists, 8 modules of videos and lessons, twice a month coaching sessions, and lots of downloads and printables. The waitlist is open NOW for a limited time. Sign up for the waitlist HERE to be notified with a spot is available.


How can your kids go to school just twice a week? | Hybrid Homeschooling

1. What’s hybrid homeschooling?

In part-time homeschooling or hybrid homeschooling, students go to school twice a week, and are home three days a week. Everyone at the school does the same thing, and is on the same schedule. Every student in their class is only on campus twice a week, and is home three days a week. In some programs, students have the option of a third enrichment day or third tutoring day. Also, in some programs, three days a week is required in high school, while just two are required in elementary and middle school.

What is hybrid homeschooling? | Orlando Lifestyle Blogger

You get the idea! There are a lot of different options, but the basic idea is that students are on campus some and home some. In most programs, but certainly not all, the school provides lesson plans for the parents to follow on their days at home. This also that means that the bulk of grading and testing is done at school, to help with accountability. It also helps keep all of the students on the same pace in the classroom. In this type of system, the school is responsible for all record keeping. The students are generally not registered with the state as homeschoolers, but are rather under a private school covering. The school takes the responsibility for follow all state guidelines.

The benefits of hybrid homeschooling! | Orland Lifestyle Blogger

2. Hybrid homeschooling is usually part of a private school, but can be done through public schools.

As discussed above, hybrid homeschooling is usually part of a private school. It’s something parents pay for on their own, separate from the public school system. However, in Florida at least, as a public school student, it is possible to take just a few classes at your local public school, and then take the rest online through FLVS (Florida Virtual School). For example, a student could physically go to school for band and math, but then take the rest of his or her classes online at home.

What is hybrid homeschooling? Also known as part-time homeschooling. Get all of your questions answered from Orlando lifestyle blogger, Amber Likes.

In Central Florida, there are many private school homeschool hybrids. In some, you are considered a private school student, but in others, you are considered a homeschooler. But in both systems, the program or school would provide a lot of guidance on how to make sure you are meeting all requirements. In Central Florida, I know of at least five hybrid homeschools just off the top of my head, without any research! A quick Google search should lead you to options in your area. And if there aren’t any, you might want to start your own.

What is hybrid homeschooling AKA part-time school?

3. If you can’t find one, you could start your own!

I have several friends who are registered with the state as a homeschooler, but meet together with friends for several subjects. Some even develop a more formal co-op, where parents take turns teaching or sharing their skills in order to form a mutually beneficial learning environment. This is obviously a great deal more work for parents than a private school hybrid program, but is also generally free. And it provides more flexibility for choosing curriculum and creating schedules.

4. What are the benefits of hybrid homeschooling?

There are so many benefits of hybrid homeschooling! I love the concept of homeschooling, but I also love the break that hybrid homeschooling gives me twice a week. In some ways, I end up feeling like I’m cheating as a homeschooler. I have so much support with lesson plans, choosing the best curriculum, extracurriculars, crafts, art, and so much more! I’ve often said that hybrid homeschooling or part-time schooling should also be known as VIP homeschooling. It’s a much more user-friendly version of full homeschooling.

What is hybrid homeschooling? Also known as part-time homeschooling. Get all of your questions answered from Orlando lifestyle blogger, Amber Likes.

With hybrid homeschooling, my children get to spend more time together as a family. They get the chance to create very close relationships with their siblings, and hopefully also with me. We spend time reading and learning together, and it’s such a joy to watch them grasp a new concept for the first time! I get to witness their minds grow and change right before my very eyes. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

5. Hybrid homeschooling gives you time to see the world.

Homeschool and travel go hand in hand. You know all about our goal to see all of the National Parks. This is such a part of our homeschooling journey and the learning process in our family. And hybrid homeschooling allows us to take these adventures and also stay on track academically. It’s very important to me for my children to meet their full academic potential. So while homeschool travel is very important to me, I would never want it to mean they were getting off track academically. With hybrid homeschooling, homeschool and travel are not mutually exclusive. We simply take our lesson plans on the road, and we are fully prepared to explore and keep up with our studies!

Homeschool & Travel

6. You can do it!

I’ve heard every excuse in the book on why parents think they can’t homeschool.

  • “My kids would never listen to me.”
  • “I would lose my mind.”
  • “I wouldn’t know where to start.”
  • “My kids are too smart to homeschool.”
  • “My kids are too social to homeschool.”
What is hybrid homeschooling? Also known as part-time homeschooling. Get all of your questions answered from Orlando lifestyle blogger, Amber Likes.

For every excuse, there’s an answer. Just like most things, it comes down to this. If you really want to homeschool or hybrid homeschool, you can and you will find a way! And I would love to help you and encourage you! Feel free to DM me on Instagram or comment below, and I’m always available to answer any questions.

Whatever your plan is for your children, have a wonderful school year!


      • Julie

        Hi! Thanks for this post, I wanted to ask, If I want my child to take some classes at the public school, do I have to follow their curriculum at home? Or there is any way that I can home school with my own curriculum and they can just go there to take 2 classes?

        • amber

          Hi Julie! Thanks so much for your question. It really varies state by state actually. Here in Florida, you can *usually arrange with your local school to take a class or two, and then are under no obligation to do their curriculum at home. Usually, the spot in the class for your homeschooled child is dependent on there being enough space. But I have many friends who have taken their kids to only gifted classes at their local public school, or just to PE for example. But the regulations vary widely by state, so check with your state’s HSLDA to get the most detailed information on what you can legally do in your state. Thanks for reading!

        • Sarah Lobe

          Hi Julie,

          I think this sounds great! We live in Maine and they don’t have this. I am trying to get it started at a local private school. Do you know where I could find others who might also have interest?


  • Shannon Hale

    Hi Amber!

    My son was recently accepted to Florida Southern College. So we are looking to move our family of 6 from Missouri to Orlando next summer. We love Florida & visit Disney at least twice a year!! We have been thinking of homeschooling our 13 & 8 year old, but this hybrid school has me intrigued!! I’m going to do some research to see if its something that may work for us.
    I’m new to your blog, but have really enjoyed it so far!! 😁

    • amber

      Hi Shannon! Thank you so much for stopping by and for commenting. So glad to have you here! I love living in Florida and I really love hybrid homeschooling. If you are thinking of moving to Central Florida, there are so many options for hybrid homeschools, you will have lots of options. I’m excited for you all and please let me know if you have any other questions!

    • amber

      I’m so sorry to hear that! I wish there were more options available. There are quite a few in Orlando, which is close to Kissimmee, but I know can be quite a drive. If you’re interesting in the Orlando options, feel free to email me!

  • Jennifer

    Hi Amber!

    Love your space! I am a bit more south than you on the west coast but I would love to collaborate with you! I am trying to start my own hybird in my area. Please let me know if you are willing and available to share your knowledge. Thank you!!!

    • amber

      Hello! I’d be happy to answer some questions via email if I can help! And I would be happy to direct you to some resources that I am aware of. Find me on IG at @ambershimel Hope to talk soon!

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