Mom Life,  Musings

Three Easy Ways to Spend Quality Time With Your Kids

I have five children. I have two jobs. I have an amazing husband who I love to spend time with. I have friends that I cherish. I have chores and responsibilities that never stop. Where do I find time for fun? More importantly, where do I find time for fun with each of my five children? I’ve written about this topic a few other times, but I think it’s so important, that I just keep sharing! Keep reading for my most recent tips on creating quality time with your children in fun and easy ways.

Quality Time with your kids

1. Make it a priority with realistic expectations.

I use an iPhone app called Productive, which I actually pay for, and that I have used for over a year. In this app, I can schedule everything from watering the plants to exercising, and also one on one time with each child. With so many children, it’s really hard to keep track of when I last played a game one on one with any of them! So with the app, the reminder pops up automatically. It’s a great way to keep things fair and to remind me to do something that I really love.

When I first started this habit in the app, I scheduled one on one time, of at least half an hour, for once a week. But with five children, that meant 2.5 hours each week! That might not seem like much, but when you combine this with homeschooling, it was just not realistic. So after a few weeks of failing at that goal, I switched it to once every other week for each child. Now the time is more like 45 minutes or so, and it feels like more of a treat instead of an obligation. Set those expectations realistically my friends! It’s the key to success.

2. Keep it fun.

When I am spending time with one of my children, we agree to do something together that we both enjoy. Sometimes we play games together and sometimes we watch a show together. I used to try and play whatever they wanted, no matter what they chose. But then I would just honestly get sick of playing games I didn’t like or watching shows I couldn’t manage to pay attention to. So then I made a new rule that we needed to agree on the show or game. Such a great change! Moms need to be martyrs in lots of situations; having fun together doesn’t need to be one of them. If you actually enjoy the activity you’re doing together, it will be so much easier to have fun together!

So curl up together and hit Netflix or Hulu for some Cupcake Wars or Ellen’s Game of Games. Just put your phone away, and be sure to talk about the show, hold hands, snuggle, or do whatever best serves you both in the moment. Hey moms- quality time can be fun for you too!

3. Try something new.

We have the opportunity to explore lots of new places in Orlando for my blog and Instagram. With all of these fun opportunities in Central Florida, I try to use them as a chance to treat one of my kids to something we wouldn’t normally do. We all remember Disney After Hours right? What fun nights with each of my boys that we will never forget!

Mickey Mouse and me
Disney’s Hollywood Studios After Hours

Sometimes, quality time doesn’t have to be just one on one either. I take all five kids to do new things around town whenever possible. The best part of blogging is the opportunity to provide new experiences for my family. For example, we recently had the chance to check out Phenomenom 320, which is an ice cream shop and bakery taking Winter Park by storm! Their liquid nitrogen freezing process creates an amazingly fresh and delicious ice cream treat. Their gooey and soft cookies are the perfect topping or base for their ice cream, and are baked fresh!

Phenomenon Ice Cream and Bakery
Phenomenon Ice Cream and Bakery
Phenomenon Ice Cream and Bakery

What could be more perfect for an after school treat? My 5 year old was actually jumping up and down in excitement waiting for her ice cream cookie sundae to be ready. It was so fun and educational to watch the ice cream be created right in front of our eyes! You have to visit Phenomenon 320 to see this process for yourself.

Be sure to visit my previous thoughts on this here, and here, and also here! Give me your best tips in the comments!

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