Mom Life

Loss of an Infant: The Finley Project Grief Support

As mothers and women, I’m sure you don’t have to look very far to find someone you love who has experienced the loss of an infant. With 1 out of every 4 women has experienced the loss of a child either through miscarriage, stillbirth, or death before age 2. I actually have several friends who have experienced the devastating loss of a child or infant. And although I’ve tried to be as good a friend to each of these women as possible, I know they have needs for support that I can’t even imagine. Thankfully, that’s where The Finley Project comes in to fill the gap.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Noelle Moore, who is the founder of this amazing organization. I’m happy to share more about it in hopes of raising awareness and helping them to continue their mission of coming besides mothers who are experiencing the overwhelming grief associated with the loss of an infant. 

loss of an infant

Who is Noelle Moore?

Noelle is the founder and Executive Director of The Finley Project, a non-profit dedicated to helping mothers through infant loss. Through her own tragedy of losing her daughter after birth, she is adamant in helping women across the country with her innovative and the nation’s only 7-part holistic program to help grieving mothers after infant loss.  We don’t always think about it, but, in fact, mothers are leaving hospitals every day without their babies and according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 1 out of every 4 women experiences loss whether through miscarriage, stillbirth, or death before the age of two.

loss of an infant

Noelle is on a passionate mission to help women and their families have vital support and most of all hope during this unimaginable time in their life.  She created The Finley Project to fill the gap between the hospital and the home by providing support in a variety of ways.

Noelle was also instrumental in the implementation of the hospitalist/laborist program at one of Florida’s leading hospitals that ensures a physician is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at the hospital, so pregnant woman have the care they need at any given moment. Her hope is to expand this program and see hospitals across the country adapt it as well.

Support for After the Loss of an Infant

The Finley Project is a one of a kind holistic program It is the only program like it in the country. Through her own experience, Noelle realized seven areas that are vital to supporting women through this difficult time. The Finley Project has developed a 7 part program to support women after the loss of an infant. 

7 part program:

Funeral planning

Meal gift cards


Massage therapy

Support Group


Connection to a long-term support person or mentor

This program is nationwide, but is based primarily in Central Florida. Since it’s beginning, The Finley Project has served 270 Moms through their program. There is absolutely no cost to the grieving mother. Mothers who have experienced the loss of a baby from 22 weeks gestation through age 2 are eligible to receive services. 

How can you help?

When a mother experiences the loss of an infant, they are often unable to think or process. Even the most basic daily tasks can seem completely overwhelming. Some women have family and friends and a community to support them during these times. But imagine being in an unfamiliar city, or working paycheck to paycheck, or having four other children at home. This type of grief knows no socioeconomic boundaries. It has a ripple effect on the whole family. Supporting a mother in this time not only helps this one person, but it also potentially helps support other children in the family, a marriage, or extended family members. The services of The Finley Project provide both immediate services, as well as long-term support. 

The Finley Project operated a full program in the midst of the pandemic. When women were feeling their most alone and vulnerable, Noelle and her team were still working and helping. The cost to provide these life saving services to one mother is $1500. You can donate to this important organization at their website. And if you know a mother in need, you can also provide a referral as well. Grief knows no boundaries. How can you help a mother through the worst grief of their lives?

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