Homeschool Daily Schedule Printable
As a homeschooling Mom of 5 for the past 10 years, there’s something that I get asked about a lot. And that’s a homeschool daily schedule! Actually, I’ve been hesitant to write this post because I really believe in everyone doing what works best for them. But at this point, I’ve also realized that a little guidance and structure goes a long ways. This can be especially true when you are just starting out with homeschooling. And with recent events in the world, more and more people are homeschooling than ever before! So just in time, in partnership with my friends at Hadley Designs, I’m giving you a free homeschooling daily schedule printable!
NEW Homeschooling Book available NOW!
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Why Homeschool?
Chapter 2: How Does it Work?
Chapter 3: How to Get Started
Chapter 4: Circle Time
Chapter 5: Hybrid Homeschooling
Chapter 6: Homeschooling High Schoolers
Chapter 7: Homeschooling in Florida
Chapter 8: Fighting Homeschool Burnout
Chapter 9: Ideas for Summer Homeschooling
Chapter 10: Feeding Your Homeschooler
Chapter 11: Homeschooling and Sports
Chapter 12: The Great Screen Time Debate
Chapter 13: Traveling While Homeschooling
Chapter 14: The Working Homeschool Mom
Chapter 15: How to Be a More Balanced Mom
Chapter 16: Help! The Kids are Bored!
This accessible and friendly guide belongs on any homeschooling Moms bookshelf. With color illustrations throughout, you will enjoy reading this book. Start experiencing more joy in your life as a homeschooling Mom!
So what should a homeschool daily schedule look like? And what should a homeschool daily schedule printable look like? Well, to answer that question, I’m going to send you right to the link that will allow you to enter your email address and print your own homeschool daily schedule.
The only way to access this beautiful printable is to click on the link and enter your email address. Then, your very own printable schedule will be sent to your email address! Also, it includes my own family’s sample schedule for summer homeschool so that you can get an idea of where to start with creating your own family schedule. Again, I’m a firm believer that you need to customize the schedule for your family and for your kids. Depending on the age of your children, you will need to adjust the time spent on school as well.
You may also like: 10 Useful Homeschooling Products You Need NOW
How many hours a day should my kids be doing school?
This is a very common question also. I know that when you are first starting out with homeschooling, especially if you aren’t part of a co-op or hybrid school, you feel like you are just making up random plans and schedules! But trust me, you don’t need to stress about it! Here’s a general idea of how long each are group or grade level should be doing school per day:
- Pre-K: 1 hour
- Kindergarten: 1-3 hours
- 1st and 2nd: 2-4 hours
- 3rd/4th/5th: 3-5 hours
- Middle School: 3-6 hours
- High School: 4-6 hours
Of course, this is only my opinion and just a very general overview. There are many situations where this number will increase or decrease depending on the child and the learning requirements. There are also many situations in which the number of hours per day will need to be adjusted based on a family situation. If Mom’s sick for example, all schedules go out the window! For more specifics on that, be sure to check out: How to Homeschool When Mom’s Sick.
What counts as “school”?
Again, there are a lot of different opinions on this. But in our home, in addition to the regular school subjects like math, reading, science, and history, we also count many other things for “school.” And this isn’t a stretch at all! For example, piano practice and lessons, art, recess or playing outside and puzzles can all be counted as schooling time. This is especially true for elementary school kids, but shouldn’t be neglected for middle school and high school either. Be sure to check out my post on homeschooling high school for more information on that age group!
What about homeschooling in the summer?
I’ve shared a lot about my routines on summer homeschooling. Be sure to check out these posts for more:
Keep Summer Homeschool Simple with These Tips
Summer Homeschool Schedule Ideas
You can use the homeschool daily schedule printable for an easy summer homeschool schedule also! It’s easily customizable for whatever time your family is in!
And for one of my top summer homeschool tips, be sure to order these Summer Bridge Learning books from Amazon! They are available for any grade from preschool through middle school. And when you use my link to shop at Amazon, it helps support my blog!
Homeschool Daily Schedule Printable Free and Customizable!
Be sure to head to this link to print out your very own, beautiful homeschool daily schedule printable, in partnership with Hadley Designs.
Happy Homeschooling!
Hey! This is a great resource! Do you mind if I share your image and the link to this post on my blog for my homeschooling audience?
That would be fine! Glad you found it helpful!
Thanks so much! 🙂
Darlene Paulk
If we do the homeschool printable , and we decide to put our child back in publi school, will they her work be counted to where she can start back in her same grade?
It would depend on your local school to make that decision. They may so some testing to see where she’s at if she returns to traditional public school. But if you stay on track at home, she should be fine to just jump right back in!
My daughter wants to learn at home. We have had so many friend’s and family member’s pass away due to Covid. Do I have to put her in an accredited school or can we do lessons at home together without being threatened with truancy charges?
It really depends on your state and county’s specific requirements. In most places, you need to register as a homeschooler with the school or District in order to avoid truancy issues. But you definitely don’t absolutely need to have an accredited program in order to homeschool! I have a course coming out soon that covers ALL things homeschooling. Feel free to email me to sign up and to ask me any specifics!
Thanks Amber, l appreciate your quick response!
Hi Amber! I enjoy reading your posts and the comments! I find them to be very helpful! I work from home as well and have a 3rd grade that I started to homeschool this year. Challenging to say the least! He is not very fond of school!! I would love to get registered for the course All things Homeschooling..if its not too late?
I’m so happy to hear that you’ve taken the plunge! How exciting! And while working too- I know personally how that’s a struggle. And I’m so happy to hear that you are interested in my course. It’s in pre-sale right now. Can you send me an email so that I can keep track of your contact info? The best email is ambermarie@aol.com Excited to hopefully have you on board!